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Partners play a critical role in transitioning advanced technologies from SBIR/STTR funded programs to the commercial market. Partnering with an SBIR/STTR funded small business provides you with immediate access to innovative, advanced technologies that have already been vetted having been through a competitive award process. These are cutting-edge technologies that can help you reach your company’s net-zero and sustainability goals. Many are disruptive looking to enter emerging markets. Joining with an SBIR/STTR awardee provides access to sole-source opportunities as well as small business set asides owing to diverse awardee pools. Register to access 1000+, competitively vetted, cutting-edge TECHNOLOGIES here!

Example Innovators

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Energy, Utilities & Environmental Technologies

Advanced Computing, Quantum Information & AI

Advanced Instrumentation, Sensors & Microelectronics

Advanced Materials & Manufacturing


Nuclear Nonproliferation

Health & Life Sciences

Energy News Feed